Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Wiki
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Now that you have Victor Morcello on board, you have to convince Brandon Marlo to do a Dark Streets sequel.


Brandon Marlo Your Name! My sort-of protege. Lovely to see- and smell- you again!
You Speech Um... thanks... Cash+?, XP+?
Brandon Marlo Is there anything I can help you with?
You Speech Dark Streets...
Brandon Marlo I haven't thought of that film in a long time. You know... I'd love to work on a sequel, but... getting back into the public eye...
I don't know. This might be hard to believe, but I've been somewhat of a recluse. I don't know if I can handle it. I don't even have a publicist anymore...
You Speech (Mention Maria.)
Brandon Marlo You'll get me a publicist? That's great new... I guess it's time for my comeback. Brandon Marlo is ready! Ready to re-embrace that act of acting!
You Speech Um...okay!
