Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Wiki
⤿ REASON: Description Revision; Incomplete dialogue

This is the alternate to Haute Homecoming if you choose to do the photos in PopGlam instead of Lisbon

Now that your date has the proper garb, it is time for the Homecoming photos!


ImageMissing Hey Your Name! Wow, a real studio where they take real, actual good pictures! So cool!
You Speech 1 It is!
Speech 2 I guess.
ImageMissing 1 Totally! My pictures are going to be so much cooler than any of my classmates. That's rad. Thanks so much for setting this up, Your Name.
2 ---
You Speech 1 It's no problem.
Speech 2 ---
ImageMissing 1&2 So... how do I look?
2 ---
You Speech A Amazing!
Speech B Fine.
ImageMissing A ---
B Just fine? I feel like a million bucks. But you're right, I'm no Hollywood celebrity- not like what you're used to being around. Either way, I'm still so thankful for the suit you got me. I would have never been able to get something this nice on my own. You really are the best, Your Name. I still can't believe this is really happening!
You Speech A ---
Speech BOh stop.
ImageMissing A ---
B Can't stop, won't stop. I feel so spiffy. Do you think... Mia will notice me? Looking like this?
You Speech A ---
Speech Bi For sure!
Speech Bii Probably...
ImageMissing A ---
Bi Yeah? Oh my gosh, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. Okay, I'm jut going to focus on making these pictures as bomb as possible. Tell me how to stand or pose or whatever! I don't want to be like... a goofus of anything.
Bii ---
You Speech A ---
Speech Bi You're doing great!
Speech Bii 
ImageMissing Thanks, Your Name. You really are making this whole thing so, so cool.
You Speech It's no problem!
