Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Wiki
⤿ REASON: Price for immediately starting the event is wrong; Missing Reward for Available Actions.

Now that Kim's hairstylist, Jen Atkin, has helped you pick out a new hairdo, it's time to show it off! Jen has recommended you for an upcoming fashion show in London.

Wait 12 hours until Simon calls you about the event, or spend Star 25 to begin the event immediately.

Travel to The Britannia Ballroom in London and talk to Alexis Masterson to begin the event.

The name of the fashion collection you are modeling for will be different in every game.

Available Actions

Time Limit: Time 3 Hours
Energy Needed: Energy 35
5-Star Reward: Cash+250, XP+70

Action Cost Reward Achievement
walk runway together Energy 5 Cash+ XP+ -
graceful exit Energy 4 Cash+ XP+ -
shoulders back Energy 3 Cash+ XP+ -
perfect posture Energy 4 Cash+ XP+ Industry
balance Energy 5 Cash+ XP+ -
smile with eyes Energy 2 Cash+ XP+ -
hips forward Energy 3 Cash+ XP+ Industry
face camera Energy 1 Cash+ XP+ -
spotlight Energy 2 Cash+ XP+ -
pose Energy 2 Cash+ XP+ -
elegant stride Energy 8 Cash+ XP+ -
focus Energy 6 Cash+ XP+ -
focus Energy 6 Cash+ XP+ -


TheBritanniaBallroomFeed Britannia @BritanniaBR
We'll reveal how the world reacts to The Futuratabloom Collection's runway fashion show on (Date) at (Time)!

TrendStyleMagazineFeed TrendStyle @TrendStyleMag
YourName showed everyone how it's done at The Futuratabloom Collection runway fashion show!
+569,368 fans
