Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Wiki
⤿ REASON: Missing Feed; Missing Dialogue.

This goal will unlock only when you chose to tell Michigan Smith that you would figure out a way to get into the fashion show at Femme in Paris.

Confusingly, at the end of the conversation, Michigan gave you Cash500, while urging you "not to use it during the auction."

Still, you need to get hold of that monkey, so you accepted the money. Now, it's time to make an appearance at Femme.

You can wait 6 hours until Simon calls you about the appearance, or pay ​​Star 12 to start immediately.

Travel to Femme in Paris and talk to Alexis Masterson to begin your appearance.

The fashion show will be hosted by Julia Kross, and you can choose to either start the bid or wait until someone else does.

Regardless, you'll attract the attention of Vivian Vandermeer, who tells you there's no way you can bid on the item. You can choose to go against her word or bow out.

If you choose to go against her word, the bidding will increase and increase until Cash600, and you'll win.

If you choose to bow out, Vivian will approve, and tell you that she'll find someone else to sell it to. This will lose you the monkey.

After the show, you'll receive a call from Margaret Dupree, which will vary depending on whether you won the monkey or not.

If you won the monkey, the next goal is Monkeying Around. If you lost the monkey, the next goal is Monkeyin' Around!

Available Actions

Time Limit: Time 6 hours
Energy Needed: Energy 96
Stars Needed: BlueStar104
5-Star Reward: Cash+500, XP+215

Action Cost Reward Achievement
wait for next look Energy 5 Cash+6, XP+4, BlueStar+5 -
listen to music Energy 1 Cash+1, XP+1, BlueStar+1 -
mental note Energy 2 Cash+2, XP+2, BlueStar+2 The Look
make friends Energy 2 Cash+2, XP+2, BlueStar+2 -
smile at models Energy 8 Cash+11, XP+9, BlueStar+8 -
wave to friend Energy 2 Cash+2, XP+2, BlueStar+2 -


<tabber> At the show=

Julia Kross Welcome! We welcome you to another one of Vivian Vandermeer's fantastic, fabulous, fashion shows! As you know we, ahem, bid on the items as a way to show our respect for them. Nothing shady happening here, and certainly no priceless artifacts changing hands.
You Speech Sure...
Julia Kross So let's get started! Look at this beautiful Golden Statuette I have here! Wow! Breathtaking! Shall we start the bidding?
You Speech 1 (Bid on treasure.) Cash100
Speech 2 (Do nothing.)
Vivian Vandermeer 1 Ah good the bidding has begun. Wait a second...!
You Speech Hello, Vivian.
Vivian Vandermeer YourName! You can't be here, you can't bid on this item!
You Speech A Really? Two hundred! Cash100
Speech B (Give up.)
Vivian Vandermeer A
B That's right. I'm sure SOMEONE here is willing to pay a fortune for this priceless artifact, someone who knows the benefit of keeping a treasure for themselves only. I mean, what's the use in owning things if other people can enjoy them? Makes no sense.

|-| Feed=

FemmeFeed Femme @FemmeParis
We'll have pics posted of YourName from Vivian's Show on (Date) at (Time).

|-| Lost the monkey=

Margaret Dupree YourName! What happened? You weren't able to get the monkey?
You Speech No, I wasn't.
Margaret Dupree Alright. Okay. Don't panic, don't panic. I'm sure... I'm sure we can figure something out. Just come to the museum unveiling and we'll... wing it. Together.
You Speech Okay...